*Advanced Automation [#y8aaf13b]

**2009.9.10 CACSD introduction [#y138ae77]

- introduction of Matlab and Simulink
--[[Basic usage of MATLAB and Simulink>/:~kobayasi/easttimor/2009/text/text.pdf]]
used for 情報処理演習及び考究II/Consideration and Practice of Information Processing II: Advanced Course of MATLAB
-review of clasical control theory
++ transfer function
++ state-space representation
++ Bode diagram
++ characteristics of 2nd-order system
++ Nyquist stability criterion
++ gain margin and phase margin
++ characteristic polynomial
++ poles and impulse response


**2009.9.17 Intro. to Robust Control [#pce7e512]
-robust stability
- performance improvement
- H infinity norm


** 2009.10.15 norm, vector space, normed linear space [#l8a321a6]

** 2009.10.22 eigenvalue, eigenvector, singular value decomposition [#i4bfc846]

** 2009.11.5 state space representation of connected system, state space representation of generalized plant for various control problem, mixed sensitivity problem [#ldf0b460]


** 2009.11.19 [#q528f91a]

... generalized  plant is described by hand
... function sysic() is used to obtain generalized plant

simulink model

simulink model for noise problem

execution example for Matlab
 M = zeros(3,2)
 plot(t, y)
 plot(t, y, 'r', t, r, 'b')
 bodemag(S, 'r', gopt/WS, 'r--', T, 'b', gopt/WT, 'b--');
 bodemag(S, 'r', gopt/WS, 'r--', T, 'b', gopt/WT, 'b--');
 grid on
 plot(t, y, 'r', t, r, 'b')
 grid on
 bodemag(P0, 'r', K, 'b')
 grid on
 grid on
 plot(t, y, 'r', t, r, 'b')
 grid on
 plot(t, y, 'r', t, r, 'b')
 plot(t, y, 'r', t, n, 'b')
 plot(t, y*10, 'r', t, n, 'b')
 plot(t, y, 'r', t, n, 'b')
 bodemag(P0, 'r', K, 'b')
 grid on
 bode(P0, 'r', K, 'b')
 grid on
 bode(P0, 'r', K, 'b', P0*K, 'm')
 grid on
 bode(P0, 'r', K, 'b', -P0*K, 'm')
 grid on

** 2009.12.3 [#bc440c69]



** 2009.12.10 Speed control of two inertia system with servo motor (1/3) [#a30052e4]
- Problem setup
- Modelling (frequency response experiment)


** 2009.12.17 Speed control of two inertia system with servo motor (2/3) [#h1fdacdf]
- Controller design

- frequency response experiments are re-executed so that all data files have same frequency range. The format of data files are also changed. Use the following links instead those given in the previous lecture!:

-You can design controllers based on mixed sensitivity problem by executing the following m-files in the order:  

-example of results

+design your controller so that the system performance is improved compared with the given example
+Draw the following figures and explain the difference between two control systems:
++bode diagram of controllers
++gain characteristic of closed-loop systems
++time response of control experiment
+Why is the performance of your system improved(or unfortunately decreased)?
--due date: 28th(Mon) Dec 17:00
--submit your report by e-mail to kobayasi@nagaokaut.ac.jp(pdf or doc files is OK)
--You can use Japanese
--maximum controller order is 20  
--submit your cont.dat and cont_order.dat to kobayasi@nagaokaut.ac.jp until 24th Dec

** 2009.12.24 Speed control of two inertia system with servo motor (3/3) [#d57e0f9d]
- Control experiment

**related links [#od998635]
//-東ティモール工学部復興支援/support of rehabilitation for faculty of eng. National University of Timor-Leste
//--[[How to control objects>/:~kobayasi/easttimor/2009/index.html]] to design, to simulate and to experiment control system by using MATLAB/Simulink with an application of Inverted Pendulum
--[[Prof. Kimura's page>http://sessyu.nagaokaut.ac.jp/~kimuralab/index.php?%C0%A9%B8%E6%B9%A9%B3%D8%C6%C3%CF%C0]]

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