*Advanced Automation [#n6ab2895]

**2010.9.9 CACSD introduction [#pf7ea7ea]

- introduction of Matlab and Simulink
--[[Basic usage of MATLAB and Simulink>/:~kobayasi/easttimor/2009/text/text_fixed.pdf]]
used for 情報処理演習及び考究II/Consideration and Practice of Information Processing II: Advanced Course of MATLAB

#ref(2010.9.9-1.jpg,left,noimg,whiteboard #1);
#ref(2010.9.9-2.jpg,left,noimg,whiteboard #2);

**2010.9.16 CACSD introduction [#pf7ea7ea]

-review of clasical control theory
++ transfer function
++ Bode diagram
++ characteristics of 2nd-order system
++ Nyquist stability criterion
++ gain margin and phase margin
-review of modern control theory
++ state-space representation


#ref(2010.9.16-1.jpg,left,noimg,whiteboard #1);
#ref(2010.9.16-2.jpg,left,noimg,whiteboard #2);

**2010.9.30 Intro. to Robust Control [#m35d72cd]
- H infinity norm
++ robust stabilization
++ performance improvement


 s = tf('s')
 G = 1/(s+1)
 norm(G, 'inf')
 P = 1/(s^2 + 0.2*s + 1)
 K = 1
 help impulse
 T = 1/(1 + P*K)

#ref(2010.9.30-1.jpg,left,noimg,whiteboard #1);
#ref(2010.9.30-2.jpg,left,noimg,whiteboard #2);
#ref(2010.9.30-3.jpg,left,noimg,whiteboard #3);

** 2010.10.7 Introduction to Robust Control (cont.) [#gfc16a3d]
- H infinity norm
++ robust stabilization <--
++ performance improvement


#ref(2010.10.7-1.jpg,left,noimg,whiteboard #1);
#ref(2010.10.7-2.jpg,left,noimg,whiteboard #2);
#ref(2010.10.7-3.jpg,left,noimg,whiteboard #3);
#ref(2010.10.7-4.jpg,left,noimg,whiteboard #4);

** 2010.10.14 norm, vector space, normed linear space [#ma3b796e]
- H infinity &color(red){norm}; ... {robust stabilization, performance improvement}
- norm
-- size of {number, signal, system}
-- defined on &color(red){vector space (linear space)};
--- ---> normed linear space
--- ... optimization 


#ref(2010.10.14-1.jpg,left,noimg,whiteboard #1);
#ref(2010.10.14-2.jpg,left,noimg,whiteboard #2);
#ref(2010.10.14-3.jpg,left,noimg,whiteboard #3);
#ref(2010.10.14-4.jpg,left,noimg,whiteboard #4);

** 2010.10.21 eigenvalue, eigenvector, singular value decomposition [#yfa0a4e4]
- H infinity norm : scalar (SISO) ---> matrix (MIMO)
-- absolute value ---> maximum &color(red){singular value}; 
-- background: mixed sensitivity problem {robust stabilization and performance improvement are simultaneously considered}


 A = [2, 1; 0, 1]
 [X, L] = eig(A)
 X*L/X - A
 [U, S, V] = svd(A)
 U*S*V' - A

#ref(2010.10.21-1.jpg,left,noimg,whiteboard #1);
#ref(2010.10.21-2.jpg,left,noimg,whiteboard #2);
#ref(2010.10.21-3.jpg,left,noimg,whiteboard #3);
#ref(2010.10.21-4.jpg,left,noimg,whiteboard #4);
#ref(2010.10.21-5.jpg,left,noimg,whiteboard #5);

** 2010.10.28 state space representation of connected system, state space representation of generalized plant for various control problem, mixed sensitivity problem [#be4365ec]

#ref(2010.10.28-1.jpg,left,noimg,whiteboard #1);
#ref(2010.10.28-2.jpg,left,noimg,whiteboard #1);


&color(red){========== Caution!!! The followings are under construction ==========};

** Speed control of two inertia system with servo motor (1/3) [#ucb6f027]
- Problem setup
- Modelling (frequency response experiment)

** Speed control of two inertia system with servo motor (2/3) [#ce40f227]
- Controller design


**related links [#c31aa7a5]
//-東ティモール工学部復興支援/support of rehabilitation for faculty of eng. National University of Timor-Leste
//--[[How to control objects>/:~kobayasi/easttimor/2009/index.html]] to design, to simulate and to experiment control system by using MATLAB/Simulink with an application of Inverted Pendulum
--[[Prof. Kimura's page>http://sessyu.nagaokaut.ac.jp/~kimuralab/index.php?%C0%A9%B8%E6%B9%A9%B3%D8%C6%C3%CF%C0]]

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