Measureing and Recording of Analog Signal

  1. Purpose

    In this section, analog signals are measured with an A/D converter and stored as ASCII text file.
    The source files measure* are almost the same to period*.
    The difference is to use A/D converter in the real time task, instead of D/A converter.

  2. Materials

  3. Installation of the module

    Install the module `measure_module.o' by the same procedure explained in the previous pages.

  4. Execute the user space program
    % ./measure_app > foo.dat
    Starting real time task ... done.
    Waiting for record ... done.
    The total execution time is 10 [sec] in this case, which is from sampling period by the number of recording samples, while these values are specified in the file `measure.h'.

  5. Unload the module `measure_module' by the same procedure explained in the previous pages

  6. Plot the data file `foo.dat' by using Matlab as explained in the previous page.

Yasuhide Kobayashi
Last modified: Wed Jul 14 19:24:14 JST 2004