Approximation for Nominal Plant
In this stage, a nominal plant is obtained by approximating the frequency response data (spk1.dat, spk2.dat).
The approximation procedure is executed automatically by utilizing
subspace-based system identification technique [Mckelvey:AC:1996]
The following operation is executed on Matlab.
- run nominal.m
>> nominal
(It will take for a while.)
As the result, Bode plot of the approximated nominal plant and the original frequency response data are plotted for the four transfer functions, i.e. Gzw(s), Gyw(s), Gzu(s), and Gyu(s).
Confirm that the approximated nominal plant and the frequency response data are overlapped each other in the middle frequency range from about 50 Hz to 500 Hz.
Approximated nominal plant (red curve) and frequency response (blue points) for Gzw(s)
Approximated nominal plant (red curve) and frequency response (blue points) for Gyw(s)
Approximated nominal plant (red curve) and frequency response (blue points) for Gzu(s)
Approximated nominal plant (red curve) and frequency response (blue points) for Gyu(s)
Yasuhide Kobayashi
Last modified: Thu May 20 13:58:46 JST 2004