Verification of Execution Period

  1. Purpose

    In this section, execution period of a real time task is actually measured.
    A little fluctuation of the period might be measured when the sampling period in the real time task is short enough.

  2. Materials

  3. Installation of the module

    Install the module `period_module.o' by the same procedure explained in the previous page.
    This program does not output the square wave until the start command is issued by the user space program.

  4. Execute the user space program
    % ./period_app > foo.dat
    Starting real time task ... done.
    Waiting for record ... done.
    When `period_app' starts, start command is issued to the module.
    Then the real time task is started, and is automatically stopped after for a while.
    The measurement result is stored in the file `foo.dat'.

  5. Unload the module `period_module' by the same procedure explained in the previous page

  6. Plot the data file `foo.dat' by using Matlab
    % matlab -nojvm
                                  < M A T L A B >
                      Copyright 1984-2001 The MathWorks, Inc.
                           Version Release 12.1
                                    May 18 2001
      To get started, type one of these: helpwin, helpdesk, or demo.
      For product information, visit
    >> load foo.dat;
    >> plot(foo(:,1), foo(:,2)) 
    Here, a graph is appeared.
    >> quit

    The above example shows that the execution period is about 200 [micro sec] which is defined as SAMPLING_PERIOD in `period.h' with small fluctuation.

Yasuhide Kobayashi
Last modified: Wed Jul 14 19:12:24 JST 2004